Save assembly as eDrawing with all configurations

Save assembly as eDrawing with all configurations

I’m trying to write a VBA macro to save the active assembly as an eDrawing with all its configurations.

The SolidWorks UI allows to select which configuration to include in the eDrawing when using File → Publish to eDrawings. I taught that the API would allow the same behavior, according to this, but when I tried with the sample code below only the active configurations is exported.

I don’t know if the problem is related to the fact that I’m using the Extension.SaveAs3 method to save… is there another one to mimic the publish command?

' Export the active model as eDrawing

Const OUT_FOLDER As String = "C:\_Export"
Const OUT_NAME As String = "C:\_Export\test.easm"

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    Dim swModel As ModelDoc2
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    ' Exit if model is not an assembly
    If Not swModel.GetType() = swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY Then
        GoTo finally_
    End If

    ' Get model configurations
    Dim vConfs As Variant

    If swModel.GetType() = swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING Then
        vConfs = swModel.GetSheetNames()
        vConfs = swModel.GetConfigurationNames()
    End If

    ' Create output directory
    CreateDirectories OUT_FOLDER

    ' * Export file
    Dim exportResult As Boolean
    Dim errs As Long
    Dim warns As Long

    Dim AdvOptData As AdvancedSaveAsOptions
    Set AdvOptData =  swModel.Extension.GetAdvancedSaveAsOptions((1 + 2 + 4))

    ' Set the Publish to eDrawing options
    SetExportOption vConfs

    ' Set the advanced save as options
    AdvOptData.ConfigurationsToSave = vConfs

    exportResult = swModel.Extension.SaveAs3(OUT_NAME, swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Nothing, AdvOptData, errs, warns)


End Sub

Sub SetExportOption(vConfig As Variant)

    Dim configNames As String
    configNames = ""

    For i = 0 To UBound(vConfig)
        configNames = configNames & CStr(vConfig(i))

        If i <> UBound(vConfig) Then

            configNames = configNames & vbNewLine

        End If

    Dim value as String
    swApp.SetUserPreferenceStringListValue swUserPreferenceStringListValue_e.swEmodelSelectionList, configNames

End Sub

Sub CreateDirectories(path As String)

    Dim FSO As Object
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    If FSO.FolderExists(path) Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    CreateDirectories FSO.GetParentFolderName(path)
    FSO.CreateFolder path
End Sub

Add below line before doing the saveas

swApp.SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue swEdrawingsSaveAsSelectionOption, swEdrawingSaveAll

Here is one quick example that would works for parts, assemblies and drawings.

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As ModelDoc2
Dim nErrors As Long
Dim nWarnings As Long
Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    swApp.SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue swEdrawingsSaveAsSelectionOption, swEdrawingSaveAll

    swModel.Extension.SaveAs OutPutFileNameHere, swSaveAsCurrentVersion, swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Nothing, nErrors, nWarnings

End Sub