How to get the component name from Sldworks.Face2?

Dear All,

I am trying to modify the hatch angle and scale of a cross section view in the drawing.

I am able to modify those using following API.
In this code, I would like to know component name from Sldworks.Face2

Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc    
    Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
    Set swView = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjec6(1, -1)
    Set swSketch = swView.GetSketch
    Debug.Print "View   = " & swView.Name
    Debug.Print "  Type = " & swView.Type
    Debug.Print ""
    vFaceHatch = swView.GetFaceHatches
    If Not IsEmpty(vFaceHatch) Then
        Debug.Print "  Face hatches:"
        Debug.Print ""
        For i = 0 To UBound(vFaceHatch)
            Set swFaceHatch = vFaceHatch(i)
            **Set swFace = swFaceHatch.Face**
            ' Cannot select a face because a face is in model
            bRet = swFace.Select2(True, 0)
            ' Get sketch hatch data
            ' 1 radian = 180º/p = 57.295779513º or approximately 57.3º
            Debug.Print "  Angle          = " & swFaceHatch.Angle * 57.3 & " degrees"
            Debug.Print "  Color          = " & swFaceHatch.Color
            Debug.Print "  Definition     = " + swFaceHatch.Definition
            Debug.Print "  Layer          = " & swFaceHatch.Layer
            Debug.Print "  Pattern        = " + swFaceHatch.Pattern
            Debug.Print "  Scale          = " & swFaceHatch.Scale2
            Debug.Print "  SolidFill      = " & swFaceHatch.SolidFill
            Debug.Print "  -----------------------"
        Next i
    End If

I need to know the model name in which this face is associated with?

Set swFace = swFaceHatch.Face

Any Solidworks API available, kindly share it with me

According to my search, you should be able to cast a face to an entity and then get the component that owns that entity with the code below.

From there, just use IComponent2.Name2 to get the name.

Thanks for the reply.
This below code will only work only in the assembly file.
I am looking to get the component name from the cross section face in the drawing file.

Thanks. But this code retruns “Nothing”

Please read the remarks section.