next question regarding tolerancing
Do you know how to activate the checkbox of the “tolerance modifier” checkbox?
I’ve tried to reach out the specific method with macro recorder and it provides the EditDimensionProperties-method. With that I am able to modify the annotation but not to set the checkbox activated… Did I miss something?
Private Sub SetToleranceModifier(anno As annotation, swDim As Dimension, dd As DisplayDimension, swTolerance As DimensionTolerance)
Dim result As Boolean
Dim tolType As Integer
Dim tolMax As Double
Dim tolMin As Double
Dim tolMaxFit As String
Dim tolMinFit As String
Dim useDocPrec As Boolean
Dim precision As Integer
Dim arrowsIn As Integer
Dim useDocArrows As Boolean
Dim arrow1 As Integer
Dim arrow2 As Integer
Dim prefixText As String
Dim suffixText As String
Dim showValue As Boolean
Dim calloutText1 As String
Dim calloutText2 As String
Dim dimensionLowerText As String
Dim centerText As Boolean
Dim configOption As Integer
Dim configNames As Variant
tolType = swTolerance.Type
If tolType = swTolType_e.swTolFIT Or tolType = swTolType_e.swTolFITWITHTOL Or _
tolType = swTolType_e.swTolFITTOLONLY Then Exit Sub
result = swTolerance.GetMaxValue2(tolMax)
result = swTolerance.GetMinValue2(tolMin)
tolMaxFit = ""
tolMinFit = ""
useDocPrec = True
precision = -1
arrowsIn = swDimensionArrowsSide_e.swDimArrowsFollowDoc
useDocArrows = True
arrow1 = swArrowStyle_e.swCLOSED_ARROWHEAD
arrow2 = swArrowStyle_e.swCLOSED_ARROWHEAD
prefixText = dd.GetText(swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextPrefix)
suffixText = dd.GetText(swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextSuffix)
showValue = True
calloutText1 = dd.GetText(swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextCalloutAbove)
calloutText2 = dd.GetText(swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextCalloutBelow)
dimensionLowerText = ""
centerText = dd.centerText
configOption = swInConfigurationOpts_e.swThisConfiguration
configNames = Array("")
result = m_swModel.extension.EditDimensionProperties(tolType, tolMax, tolMin, tolMaxFit, _
tolMinFit, useDocPrec, precision, arrowsIn, useDocArrows, arrow1, arrow2, prefixText, _
suffixText, showValue, calloutText1, calloutText2, dimensionLowerText, centerText, _
configOption, configNames)
End Sub